About Canadian Women’s Shelters

The gender-based violence sector is vast, expansive and complex.

Shelters that service women, gender diverse and children are only a small piece in the sector. However, they are an essential, necessary and crucial part of the sector. They are navigating this socio-political contentious space with insufficient budgets, fewer staff and inadequate dwellings serving the needs of their communities. Here are some resources/publications about Women’s/Domestic Violence/Violence Against Women shelters in the gender-based violence sector. 

Literature Review

A review of literature, research, and current policies relating to Violence Against Women shelters and the lived experience of survivors.

Environmental Scan

A review of the internal and external factors affecting Canadian shelters and the Shelter Pulse project, and considerations for the future.

What We Heard

A summary of what we’ve heard from engagement with Women’s shelters regarding policy needs, capacity, and project feedback.
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